O, W, D, R : these 4 letters you have.
O-D-W-R: doesnt make any sense.
R-D-O-W: Still doesnt.
D-R-W-O: Nah.
W-O-R-D: Lights up the bulb!
It intrigues us to no end. Admirable,indeed, is the act of finding meaning in a jumble.
> Bringing you "Daily Jumble" -the best anagram puzzle game ever!
> Hundreds of pre-packaged puzzles!
> A new pack for every new day!
> Cute little Ms. Anna Gramm to be with you at every little step!
One of the Sayings in Daily Jumble:
"Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open"
"Speaker might have said this after playing Daily Jumble! ;-)" - Ms. Anna Gramm